Jose Mari (Jesse) Diestro
Master, Red Rangers,
Australian president, Sikaran
MY FIRST advice to my students is to remember to practise the techniques you have learned about the martial arts of sikaran and arnis. Practise technique. The correct forms, perfecting the movements.
When you receive instruction on a certain technique, it does not necessarily mean that you already ”hav” the technique to make you capable of executing a movement for the best result.
It takes a lot of patience and repetition using certain drills to reach your full potential as a martial artist. Only with constant practice can you achieve the best that your mind and body can muster in stamina, endurance and technique.
Practice delivers movements in sikaran and arnis that become second-nature to a martial artist. His or her execution of technique becomes spontaneous and smooth with practice. One does not have to think before executing a strike or a defence. The execution becomes instantaneous, even effortless.
Total union of the conscious and unconscious action and thought make spontaneous action explosive yet expending less effort. Mind and body working at its best can only happen through practice.